Monday, September 22, 2008

40 Weeks Today...Update.

Today is the official due date of our little girl. Unfortunately, she's not really wanting to come out and is making no progress whatsoever. I saw my doctor today and once again, nothing is happening. He suggested inducing me anytime because I am not showing any sign of dilation.....and he says baby is getting big...oh no!! So as of right now, I am scheduled to be induced Tuesday evening. But here in Rexburg, where babies are popping out left and right, my appt. could easily be changed due to the small limit capacity at the hospital, so hopefully I will not get rescheduled. We are crossing our fingers!!! We have actually already been rescheduled twice now, so hopefully this is it. We will keep everyone updated!! We can only hope for the best!


The Whipples said...

That's exciting that she is almost here. Good luck with everything!

Blake Bench said...

Good luck Linds! I saw your blog link on your facebook and thought I'd take a look. You are going to be a gorgeous mommy! Look at Wynn getting all beat up right before you have the baby! Aren't husbands silly sometimes? Well, I wish you the best and here's my blog if you ever are curious what I'm up to:

Anonymous said...

OH Lindsay! I hope you have her soon!! Good luck!!

Seth and Sierra said...

Oh my goodness, you poor girl! I hope your date changes to something sooner than next tues! Good luck with everything!

amanda said...

we are so excited...and just waiting for the phone calls...our prayers are with ya

Jared and Jami Hobbs said...

Good Luck Guys!!We hope that all goes well. BREATHE!!!!

Emily said...

Hey I just happened upon your blog from Desi's. I didn't even know you were pregnant, or maybe I did and just forgot. Anyway, Congrats! Hopefully all goes well.